Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Sheep Are Phoning It In
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A quiz that worked!
You are Merino Wool.You are very easygoing and sweet. People like to keep you close because you are so softhearted. You love to be comfortable and warm from your head to your toes. Take this quiz yourself! |
And I *am* merino wool! The description matched, not to mention that I love merino.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Second Second Assistant Director
"I think I've found a job in the movie industry I qualify for."
"Oh? What's that?"
"Second Second Assistant Director."
Of course, now I need to know what a Second Second Assistant Director does, so I Google it. A Second Second Assistant Director is "[a]n assistant to the second assistant director; responsible for (among other things) directing the movements of extras." That quoted definition comes from the IMDB Movie Terminology Glossary. Now, I loves me some IMDB for looking up various movies and TV shows and actors, but who knew they had a glossary?
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Reasons Why I Love Ravelry, #2
I posted about my first sock in the Fearless Knitters group (quick ad: On Ravelry? Want to move beyond garter stitch scarves? Need some support to get over knitting fears? Join us!) and got a fabulous response:
You are knitting socks without having taken a class?WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE THAT DO THIS?
You Fearless Knitters are freaking AMAZING!
So far I've cursed her, the yarn, the needles, DPNs in general, k1p1, the pattern, the sock itself, my digital camera (which stopped working again, so no yarn or WIP pictures) - everything except me
That is a post of A Knitter On The Edge! Luckily, I think you're A Knitter On The Edge of getting it.
Yes - when you wrestle socks down into a subservient position? You curse the pattern, the person who talked you into finally knitting socks (CURSE THEM!) Question your sock yarn choice . . . DPNs? Who originally made this horrific knitting choice? Times four or five needles? (Or times Two Circs if you 'know people'). Mmmm. You haven't mentioned 'turning the heel'. Is everything Okay?
I dunno if you're knitting top down or tow up, but regardless. CURSE SOCKS TO THEIR CORE!
Alls I can say is? When you wrestle a sock down . . . it's a knitting high. The construction of a sock is intoxicating.
Shakes head to clear . . . oh, wait. I'm talking about A SOCK!
How you people are knitting socks without Mentors?
I'm in awe of all y'all Fearless Knitters.
How do you not love that?!
Am I in the right place?
Friday, August 24, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Reasons Why I Love Ravelry, #1
As proof, see these three screenshots:
This is Casey's avatar and title. As you might have guessed, Casey is the coder half of the husband and wife team behind Ravelry.
Your search didn't turn anything up? Add some ish.
The new message indicator got messed up temporarily, and showed people as having a new message when they didn't. Since it couldn't be fixed until the nightly update, Casey modified the alert temporarily.
A web site created, coded, and run by real people with a passion for the topic is a beautiful thing.
Amusing ringtone
A beginning
So, about me. I'm 38, gleefully married, a knitter, and currently a lady of leisure. That's my way of saying unemployed, except when you say "lady of leisure" people don't look sad for you; they just look jealous.
I don't know what I'll be writing about. Probably some knitting, some random political commentary (I'm a Democrat), some church stuff (I'm Unitarian Universalist, and some reality tv commentary, among other topics.
More to follow when it's not the middle of the night.